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Wand Fandom Information


"The wand chooses the wizard... it's not always clear why."

— Ollivander discussing wandlore with Harry Potter[src]

Wandlore was a specific class of magic that referred to the history and magical properties of wands. Mr Ollivander claimed that it was a "complex and mysterious branch of magic".[5] The idea that a wand chose the wizard and could switch allegiance was a part of wandlore.

The Celtic Tree Calendar had assigned trees to different parts of the year and it sometimes played a part in wandlore. This calendar showed each month and the wood that went with it. Some wands and their owners aligned with the calendar such as: Harry PotterHermione GrangerRon Weasley (his first wand), and Draco Malfoy. Their wands were made of the wood that was linked to their date of birth. Harry was born between 8 July4 August, and his wand wood was holly; Hermione was born between 2 September29 September, and her wand wood was vine; Ron was born between 18 February17 March, and his first wand was made of ash; Draco was born between 13 May9 June, and his wand wood was hawthorn.



Magic and wands

Magic with a wand was usually performed with an incantation, but more experienced wizards could cast nonverbal spells, which concealed the spell until cast and might thereby prevent an opponent from adequately protecting him- or herself in time. Wands were referred to as "quasi-sentient" because their being imbued with a great deal of magic made them as animate as an inanimate object could be.[14]

Every single wand was unique and would depend for its character on the particular tree and magical creature from which it derived its materials. Moreover, each wand, from the moment it found its ideal owner, would begin to learn from and teach its human partner.




"A wand is the object through which a witch or wizard channels his or her magic. It is made from wood and has a magical substance at its core. Wands made by Ollivander have cores of phoenix feather, unicorn hair or dragon heartstring, and are of varying woods, lengths, and flexibilities."

— Description of a wand[src]

A wand was a quasi-sentient magical instrument through which a witch or wizard channelled their magical powers to centralise the effects for more complex results.[3] Most spells were cast with the aid of wands, but spells could be cast without the use of wands. Although wandless magic was more common in other countries, such as some in Africa, European wizards were generally used to using the tool and found wandless magic more difficult, requiring much more concentration and skill to perform these spells.

Some magical creatures such as house-elves and goblins were known to perform magic similar to that used by wizards and, in fact, were forbidden to carry wands. This had been a point of contention between wizards and goblins for centuries.[4]

Wands were manufactured and sold by wandmakers, the most famous of these in Great Britain being Garrick Ollivander, and in Eastern Europe, Mykew Gregorovitch. Each wand consisted of a specific type of wood that surrounded a core of magical substance. Although the wand cores might come from the same creature, or the wood might come from the same tree, no two existing wands were exactly alike. The study of the history and the magical properties of wands was called wandlore.[5] Wands were often buried along or burned when their owner died.




Wands were developed in Europe[7][8] at an unknown point, though it is known that it was in the B.C. era. The Ollivander family started manufacturing wands in 382 B.C.[9] Over time, they earned a worldwide reputation.[10] In the 13th century, the Elder Wand, which would become known as the most powerful wand in existence, was created.



Isolt Sayre and James Steward, the first wand makers in North America

The first witch who was a wandmaker in North America was Irish witch Isolt Sayre,[11] who came to North America and started making wands for her adoptive sons and the students of her school Ilvermorny with her husband James Steward. With the passage of Rappaport's Law, no child was allowed a wand until they arrived at Ilvermorny and they had to leave them there during the holidays until they reached the age of seventeen.[12] By the 1920s, the use of wands had become common in North America although every witch and wizard, including tourists, needed a Wand permit.[8]

At an unknown point in history, wands were introduced to Asia. Cherry wand masters received special prestige at Mahoutokoro school in Japan.[13]

In the 20th century, wands were introduced to Africa, where they were less commonly used compared to other parts of the world.[7]

There was at least one known business that specialised in tuning wands to improve their performance. Repair services were also available.


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